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OUTAGES: 1-812-482-5455    |    CONTACT: 1-812-482-5454

Large Power Rates



Available to any consumer of the Corporation located on or near lines of the Corporation suitable and adequate for rendering three-phase service, whose power requirements exceed 150 KVA, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Corporation.


Applicable to all Large Power consumers who have required transformer capacity in excess of 150KVA. The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be alternating current 60 hertz, three-phase secondary voltage of approximately either 240 or 480 volts delta, 120/208 or 277/480 volts wye.


Service Charge: $150.00

Demand Charge:
First 100 kW: $7.60 per kW
Over 100 kW: $6.35 per kW

Energy Charge:
First 200 kWh per kW of Billing Demand: $0.07012 per kWh
Next 400 kWh per kW of Billing Demand: $0.06712 per kWh
Over 600 kWh per kW of Billing Demand: $0.06512 per kWh

Determination of Billing Demand: The billing demand shall be the maximum average kilowatt load used by the consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered as indicated on the meter installed by the Corporation. An adjustment for power factor as provided below shall be applied.

Power Factor

The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The Corporation reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the average lagging power factor for the month is less than 93 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 93 percent and divided by the percent power factor.

Minimum Monthly Bill 

The minimum monthly charge shall be the greatest of:

  1. $150.00; or
  2. Minimum agreed to in the contract for electric service.
Power and Fuel Cost Adjustment Clause

The above rates are subject to change in fuel cost charge and purchased power cost adjustment from Dubois REC’s power supplier in accordance with IC 8-1-13 et. seq.

The current Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is $(0.01154)/kWh.

Terms and Conditions of Service
  1. The applicant may be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the character, amount, and duration of the business offered.
  2. In general, motors having an individual capacity of 10 Horsepower or more must be three-phase.
  3. The consumer may connect lighting to a power circuit from the power meter. Any additional transformers or regulating equipment which may be required for such lighting shall be furnished by the consumer except that if the consumer requires a separate transformer for lighting service, it shall be considered a separate service and shall be billed under the applicable rate schedule.
  4. The Corporation will furnish and maintain at its expense one transformation and service drop, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules and Regulations. All wiring, pole lines, wires and other electrical equipment beyond the point where the service wires of the consumer, which extend from the point of attachment of the service entrance installed by the consumer and the service wires of the Corporation, is considered the distribution system of the consumer and shall be furnished and maintained by the consumer except that the outdoor meter base and meter shall be furnished and maintained by the Corporation.
  5. In those cases where the consumer is not located where three-phase service is available, and the Corporation elects to extend its facilities to make such service available, three-phase service will be rendered in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for extending such service as provided in this Tariff and/or as specified in the contract for service.
  6. Should the electrical energy furnished under this schedule for any reason be metered on the primary side of the service transformer, the Corporation shall deduct 1.5% of the kilowatt-hours so metered before computing the bill.
Late Payment Charge

The above rates are net.  In the event the current monthly bill is not paid by the twentieth (20th) day of the month, a late payment charge of 10% of the first $3.00 or less of net billing, plus a charge of 3% on all net billing over $3.00 shall apply.  When the twentieth (20th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or observed holiday, the first (1st) business day thereafter shall be deemed the twentieth (20th) day of the month. 

Effective 11/01/2023